Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exercise-5(your understanding about "DEATH OF THE CONSUMERS" .. cite examples )

What? "DEATH OF THE CONSUMERS"? Where did they go? What happen to them? Who is the primary part of the chain of the economy today? Do the consumers exist today? All those questions are coming from us when our instructor taught that very intriguing and exciting topics.

What is consumer anyway? From the site “Consumer is an individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale. A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an item at the store, and someone who can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. Any time someone goes to a store and purchases a toy, shirt, beverage, or anything else, they are making that decision as a consumer. But consumer has different to customer. The terms "consumer" and "customer" are often used interchangeably, but a consumer and customer are not always the same entity. In essence, consumers use products while customers buy them. A consumer may also be a customer and a customer can also be a consumer, but situations occur where this is not the case. In general, your marketing efforts should be geared toward the consumer, rather than the customer. Customers are the ones who purchase your products. Consumers are the ones who actually use your products, so the customer may not be the actual consumer of your product. For example, suppose you own a small business that manufactures and distributes children's games or toys. While the children are the actual users, or consumers, of your product, they are not your customers. Instead, the customers are the parents of the children who actually purchase your products for them. The difference between a consumer and a customer impacts how you market your products. Customers will buy your product only if consumers demand your product, so your marketing efforts should target the end user as opposed to the buyer. Using the children's toys example, your marketing efforts should be geared toward exciting the children about your products so they will ask their parents to make a purchase. Those are coming from the internet article. To elaborate more on my own understanding we are the primary elements in the economy or the main factor of one business, without the consumer there was no business now that is successful. Since we are the primary component who uses the products and services of the company, we are the one who can make the company or business a successful one. We are the everyday purchaser of a high quality or standard, either on an absolute scale or service in retail. My second thought it describes a purchaser of technical equipment who wants to obtain goods of a better quality than consumer items, but can’t afford professional items. Here, the word is a blend of professional and consumer. In my case when I purchase something I move through a series of steps like:

Act of identifying the problem – I always do these when or during I buy some stuff especially in expensive price. Though the product is brand new we can’t denied the fact that there are some bug or problem but at all the items. Consider the factory error, for example buying a brand new laptop then after 1 day of purchase there are some damage that able to function in the specification of the laptop. So it is better to identify explore the items before purchase it.

Examine the product for concealed items – the second one is to make search about that item so that you can recognize that items and make a canvass. Look around to an area and ask to your friend or other people for such as sale orders, opinions or suggestions.

Other possibility assessment of value – the act of examining something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent and condition. Since you are finding a alternative way or alternative things that able to serve as a substitute or the possibility of choosing two different things.

Act of choosing or power to choose – of course we have a power or a decision to choose one product or we can choose what the items that qualifies to our standard are.

Notice to the acquisition evaluation – make a evaluation to the price of such items. Moreover you are using money to buy that item makes sure you have the quality item that you have to purchase.

Today the market and industry are doing a paradigm shift. There is marketing convergence. So much for that there are also a trend of marketing convergence it is depending on the demand or result, needs and wants of the community. Century ago and many years grown up from the old era, now we are now in the era of technology the demands or requests of the human beings are more growing and growing according to their wants and needs it is increasingly high. A convergence of technology has a result that gives the consumers the convenience of having a changeable or they can customize according to their wants and can give there needs according to the style of living. When technological convergence first gives birth to a new multi-technology, the various technologies it is comprised of are usually at a slightly lower standard than independent devices. Usually within a year or two, however, this disparate quality is reduced to a virtually unnoticeable level. Technological convergence if appropriately managed can play an important role in national economic and social development of every nation. Governments can capitalize on the opportunity to stimulate market development and meet previous unmet society communication needs.

That was one of the reasons why the consumer today is death. Since the new era or the style of living today have different way in growing more capable one. Not like in the pass years our industry of business are common and ordinary business, like producing such product that they made then sell it to the market. The consumers can choose only a different color or even a shape. They can’t customize their stuffs on their wants and needs. Can you imagine? The old era of our business can’t give our satisfactory not only our self but also our money expending much of it. Readymade products that can’t be customize and can’t be change according to our wants and needs, it is satisfying to you? Some are satisfied on what they offer. But what if we change it from new era that the consumers can create and change according to their style or we called it wants. The new era improve the marketing today. Other reason why the market is now shifting to the new paradigm because the convergence can increased market competition has lowered barriers of entry to the market for new operators and service providers. The emergence of new market players intensifies competition, giving consumers an extensive pool of providers and services to choose from and lower communication costs. Additionally in a technological convergent environment industry boundaries become blurred, allowing service providers to offer services in multiple markets. For example, besides access to television, cable operators can also offer voice telephony and internet services. Content providers can now easily access consumers with no need to own the distribution network. For example, a company may produce TV content and distributed it through cable networks without having to own it. I relate this last topic because it is the reason why the consumer is death.

We already know what is consumer. The consumer is now signing off. What a topic isn’t? This topic is all about a dying era for the consumer. Moreover we called it the “PROSUMER”. As we define what is consumer is an individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale. A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an item at the store, and someone who can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. But the term Prosumer it is still refers to the person who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale. But there are some of conditions that may affect or can differ in consumer and prosumer. The prosumer has more advantage comparing than to the old consumer does. As what I have said I wonder and confuse where the word prosumer came. Many statements come in my mind. Now the questions are: Where did they go? What happen to them? Who is the primary part of the chain of the economy today? Do the consumers exist today? The consumer today did not go, they only substitute or replace their name. Yes, still they exist and they are also part of the chain. The consumer today is now we called “PROSUMER”. What about prosumer? Stated from Wikipedia “Prosumer is a portmanteau formed by contracting either the word professional or producer with the word consumer. The term has taken on multiple conflicting meanings: the business sector sees the prosumer (professional–consumer) as a market segment, whereas economists see the prosumer (producer–consumer) as having greater independence from the mainstream economy. It can also be thought of as converse to the consumer with a passive role, denoting an active role as the individual gets more involved in the process. More recently, in the mental health field, the word "'prosumer'" has come to mean "consumer/provider," also known as a "peer provider," such as a peer support specialist or other mental health consumer who also provides peer support mental health services (background on peer-run mental health services). The word "Prosumerise" has been coined by Widality to represent the merging of the IT and mobility requirements of the prosumer, consumer, and enterprise.” I got and searched those statement from online article. So if we talk about prosumer it is still the consumer, some economist change it for some purposes. The prosumer want to meet the standard quality to feel they need and desire for something. If it has a high quality then it will also have highest percentage of consumer-grade and vice versa. Another thing, they are consumer targeted products, at consumer prices, but containing some professional-grade functionality. And lastly a prosumer is progressive or developing gradually over the time. They have their own choice. Prosumer doesn’t depend on the available products and services offer but they have a great involvement to denote active roles on the process. It comes from the two words from producer and consumer. It’s not a new word, but it’s a word that will become the norm in the coming years. It’s already being used by companies such as Sony to describe users of video cameras. Consumer can be a capable of happening and likely to happen in the future type that can change or develop that can be included in the design and manufacture of products as a necessary, so they are given a chance to make their individual specification. Our instructor stated last meeting that the consumer today will no longer be a passive market but we are now an active market so that we can part of the creative or using the brilliant imagination process. We can customize our staff, in which everybody will satisfy of the item they bought. Now the middleman are slowly appear between maker and the buyer because of the use of e-commerce that encouraging the consumer. This sense of prosumer has been taken up by some marketing people, but remains limited in its application. The second usage describes a purchaser of technical equipment who wants to obtain goods of a better quality than consumer items, but can’t afford professional items. Here, the word is a blend of professional and consumer. Prosumers of this sort are famed for their enthusiasm for new products and their tolerance of flaws and, from the marketing point of view, have much in common with early adopters. This usage is common among those selling video equipment, digital cameras, and similar goods. In addition prosumers are now common in many fields that were once the sole province of professionals. One of the areas where the prosumer has gained a high degree of visibility is in the home improvement industry. A number of household tasks, such as the installation of ductwork, plumbing, wallpaper hanging, and installing major appliances, are now done by many homeowners. In times past, these were all functions that were considered to be the work of professionals, with only the occasional amateur attempting this sort of high profile work. The prosumer can also be associated with a number of other fields as well. Photography, interior decorating, and even the beverage industry have a number of people who have a skill or be an eligible as prosumers. As technology keeps going or nonstop to evolve, there is no something unlikely that the prosumer fact or occurrence that can be observed will continue to grow.
The other things why prosumer differ from consumer. According to the online article that I have read, if we express and have conversation about the prosumer it is a person who are researching a quality product or product values, manner of functioning and the cost or the price. Some of examples are (twitter, tumblr, facebook) and consumer product reviews (such as Amazon.com). In addition the prices comparison shopping engines such as Nextag.com and Thefind.com, before making a final decision or purchase. As you understand the prosumer has the power and had to do with in deciding from among range of options that give satisfaction to their money that they going to pay. In fact, within these web sites a Prosumer researches all aspects of a products performance, price and social acceptance in relative comparison to similar products within the same category. The Prosumer is searching for the highest quality product that best meets their personal needs for the maximum amount of money they are willing to spend. Based on that search criteria, the Prosumer is also willing to venture into new shopping distribution channels in order to purchase that product. As a matter of fact, a prosumer has a capability to take risk in order that he/she can undertake business venture that would lead to profit. Some article that I have read there was a writer named Tim Moore. He made some particular evaluation and measured assessments for the prosumer to give knowledge and to know other people the adjustment in operation and have the right path. The first one is “Understand we are all in the same boat”. Every business is in the similar situation. They are all struggling to catch up the social behavior of customer and have to gain profit from it. Not just to earn money but to have a good relationship towards them. Some of the customer feels like being only treated a customer. In which some of them left feel like suspicious and distrustful. Sellers are really defensive on the price of the products and services they have. While on the prosumer side, he/she would effort to search on the internet to find cheaper. The second one “SEE the goal”. To run business the only goal of it is to gain profit and growth. Right? But it is not just about it. The only way to have it is to build customer’s equity or the trust of the customer. The prosumer should have only to see and realize that there is no hidden agenda on your business. It’s not only about selling your product, but what’s important is to help and learn them from their experience. You should have the resolution of experiences that they have. And finally peak an interaction with you. Look hard on your operation you still have enough time to change and apply some of the good principles. And the last but not the least “Make the shift ASAP”. Most of the company still operates the advertisement to use media and advertise their sales. According to BTW, they earn trust, it’s not automatic, it takes time and isn’t as easy as advertising it, we must make the shift from ’selling things’ to noticing people!

The examples are:

1. Pertaining to electronics; are considered to be "on the fence" as a product of lower quality than a professional product, and higher quality (sometimes in the form of bells and whistles) than a consumer product. Some examples include:
• Digital camcorders
• Still cameras
Link:( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosumer)

2. From the discussion we had last meeting one of the example is the customizing the hamburger. Putting of patties is depending to the customer. These specifications from McDonald.

3. And the ipod now offering a new product that you can engrave your name at the bask case of the Ipad. The last two examples was a concept of marketing convergence that leads the consumer to have granted their want.

Today there many technology that made the people advance of what are the things they want. Howeveer now a day we are in the new era that we called Technological era. So, the people or the human being in this global world is very ambitious and desire for some technology out there. The people wanting and needing the quality of products they want without ceasing to the growing power and they control and influence by the technology they are using. Serving prosumers is a very complex task to do; their needs cannot be defined by any location, application, time of the day, or device alone. In fact, that is what makes them prosumers. They seek to be connected and serviced no matter where they are, what they are trying to do, or when they are trying to do it. They will keep on asking solutions to everyday’s problems in a very unique but very simple way. Interfaces of the product software’s for instance might as well be very accessible both for work and their social life so that these may be easily enforced with them. All these improvements and feature upgrades satisfied the prosumers and so the products were bought. and they are not yet done improving and satisfying their clients and target clients.

Exercise-4 (Identify and discuss Trends and Opportunities in convergence)

In the pass meeting we have watched the video clip or a documentary presenting facts and information about the start up business of Guy Kawasaki that compose of interesting topics just like make a meaning. That topic have three subtopics such as increase the quality of life, right a wrong and prevent the end of something good. In line of this our instructor follow up some of discussion about the marketing convergence, under this discussion we have the subtopics like death of consumer, internet marketing magic and venture to eCommerce. In addition the highlight at that time was the trends and opportunities in convergence this was under the model where introduce to us the SEED model, E stands for “Environmental Mastery”.

So if you can hear the word convergence what are the things or how can you state or describe clearly? If we talk about convergence it means coming together from different directions, especially a uniting or merging of groups or tendencies that were originally opposed or very different. However from the site where I surfed the convergence means is a process that entails a lot of innovation and new ways of thinking out of the box. Gary Hamel once said, “The greatest rewards go to companies that create new business models, spark new ideas, new markets, new sources of revenue based on changing technology, demographics and consumer habits.” C.K. Prahalad, added “Today’s customers are more informed, networked, active and global. The writer deliver the quote to us that the new market characteristics have led to a new form of value creation, where value is co-created by the both the company and its customers.” These two great strategists have underscored product success only when customers are involved in their development.

From the meaning it is all about both customers and the companies. Thinking new ideas or they say a new business models for tall the consumers are like an award from Oscar that have a great impact from one company. Today the businesses are not only for creating their wants but also the consumers where they can make and had some ideas or the customer is always right. It means the consumer can customize their own style or what they want. Today many changes in our industry for some improvements so that they can provide the wants and needs of consumers. Since the new era or the style of living today have different way in growing more capable one. Not like in the pass years our industry of business are common and ordinary business, like producing such product that they made then sell it to the market. The consumers can choose only a different color or even a shape. They can’t customize their stuffs on their wants and needs. Can you imagine? The old era of our business can’t give our satisfactory not only our self but also our money expending much of it. Readymade products that can’t be customize and can’t be change according to our wants and needs, it is satisfying to you? Some are satisfied on what they offer. But what if we change it from new era that the consumers can create and change according to their style or we called it wants. The new era improve the marketing today.

Introducing the “Marketing Convergence” How the Leading Companies Are Profiting from Integrating Online and Offline Marketing Strategies will enable you to market your products and services more effectively using the Internet. You will increase your organization’s profitability because you’ll know how to navigate the minefields of online, interactive, and traditional marketing. You’ll have the key strategic insights into integrating your marketing across all media, and you’ll know how those strategies profitably—the way they have been used by some of the world’s smartest marketers. By: Susan K. Jones and Edward J. "Ted" Spiegel. From above discussion for me it is all about the convergence of two factors in earning money, the online marketing and offline marketing strategies. In that way the consumers can market through using online. These strategy has advantage too because several people today used an internet for their communication purposes but in that communication they can advertise of market their products. Services and products are more effectively using online, for example the much known social online communication today the Face book. These we called the technological era. We can see several account in face book that advertising there products even their services. The company or business increase there profitability in the sense of navigating or surfing from internet way, interactive and traditional marketing strategy, so they can have their insights into integrating the marketing across all media. Inline of these there are few sections to have the marketing strategy convergence.

Section I helps you identify the key signs to watch--and watch out for--including:

• The most profitable ways of “marrying” marketing and technology for greater market reach, brand building, and profitability.

• The truly critical components of successful convergence and integration.

• How to zero-in on the new savings—and avoid the new costs—of the new media.

• Rediscovering the power of testing through Internet “speed-of-light” testing.

• Maintaining the all-important human touch in all marketing and media channels.

• Putting profitability, community, and “stickiness” into proper perspective.

Section II gives you the inside stories of the leaders of marketing convergence—the smart marketers who avoided the hype and capitalized on the substantial benefits of integrated marketing strategies and tactics. Some are well-known, others aren’t. But they share one thing: They used the strategies in this book to tailor their marketing programs to profitably meet the online and offline needs of their customers.

The days of gaining instant riches online with no thought to the basics are gone. So are the days of broken promises, alienated customers, and disillusioned stockholders. The tools and hard-won experience chronicled in Marketing Convergence can make profitable integrated marketing a reality for you and your every company.

Those sections are stated also by Susan K. Jones and Edward J. "Ted" Spiegel. The objective of there theory was to give knowledge of those people who building there own marketing convergence and have some improvement of their won idea. The two writers want us to avoid in the hard sell and capitalized on the substantial benefits of integrated marketing strategies and tactics. The market today have change the characteristics that can led to the new form of assessment conception, the objective is to combine the two factors of marketing the consumers and the company. The market today can offer some value that can create by the both of their company and its consumers. These new market characteristics have led to a new form of value creation, where value is co-created by the both the company and its customers.” These two great strategists have underscored product success only when customers are involved in their development. But there are some of disadvantages because not all marketers and organizations can effectively handle or initiate disruptive innovations. It means some of the new company handles the new era of marketing products are not suited to their skills and those are can lead to the failure of business. We all know that in the life of business or technopreneur has two faces the success and the failure. It will cost a big experience to handle the difficulty of creating and developing completely new ideas and make it to the market and introduce it to the people what are the changes of the products. Under this situation there are tips on how to manage successful, market-driven innovations. It is the steps introduce are timeless marketing principles that recreate to suit new age marketing in a convergent market. I surf it from the internet some steps that the new age of marketing is in convergent market. These include: identifying and knowing the target market while discovering emergent markets; recognizing unarticulated needs and making customers co-creators of the value offer; maximizing people creativity; using technology as an enabler; and sustaining co-creation by responding and anticipating the evolving needs of the market while maintaining functional relevance.

So much for that there are also a trend of marketing convergence it is depending on the demand or result, needs and wants of the community. Century ago and many years grown up from the old era, now we are now in the era of technology the demands or requests of the human beings are more growing and growing according to their wants and needs it is increasingly high. A convergence of technology has a result that gives the consumers the convenience of having a changeable or they can customize according to their wants and can give there needs according to the style of living. When technological convergence first gives birth to a new multi-technology, the various technologies it is comprised of are usually at a slightly lower standard than independent devices. Usually within a year or two, however, this disparate quality is reduced to a virtually unnoticeable level. Technological convergence if appropriately managed can play an important role in national economic and social development of every nation. Governments can capitalize on the opportunity to stimulate market development and meet previous unmet society communication needs.

As a newly born technopreneur, I am not fully aware of what marketing convergence can bring benefits to my business. However, I already have some facts and hints on this area. One of the best methods on how this convergence can be imparted is through the online internet. That’s how great and powerful internet is. Buyer is not anymore “Consumer”. They are now called to be a “Prosumer”. One of the advantages of being a Prosumer is they can demand and request products and services from the company. And I guess it is better to be prosumer nowadays. Customers will still respond to more traditional marketing approaches, but increasing- ly they are better informed, more skeptical and more resistant to a company’s messages. These customers will seek information for themselves both on and off your site and will want to communicate to the organization directly not simply through a corporate channel. The human capital era or knowledge economy demands forward thinking, highly intuitive, reflective and creative thinkers while making obsolete mainstream thinking. Today’s marketers are challenged to develop new, disruptive products and services responsive to market needs. New age marketers are capable of imagining products and services, new markets and entire industries that do not yet exist and give them birth and life. This we call convergence help those company to improve and produce a better product and services to the goods of the consumer. Prosumer are those people who are not fully satisfied what are just available. But also they are the one who choose and decide what’s that they think it would be the best for them. As a student, I prefer to be what prosumer than to be a consumer. It is because prosumer can do better and more than consumer can. In fact I had read from the internet article that says “Customers want to call, click or visit with seamless interaction across online and offline channels, in person, by phone, on the Internet or through wireless”, say the authors of Convergence Marketing. From this line, this is more concern to the easier and fast access of communication to the company they want to have orders. A target market can be any segment of the population. Today, there are several emerging markets in the world. Emerging markets pertain to market segments that have not yet been fully explored but show a lot of promise Companies need to design strategies that combine the strategies to address them all.they should be more idealistic and realistic to what people need. Today, for example, press releases should be written for both online distribution and web site optimization, sent out to different editors and written and distributed in very different ways. Advertising is one of the example that suite to the need to a simple and uncomplicated showing or proposing products and services to customers. Even though I am a certified user of internet, I still have the gradual knowledge of earning money from it. And I believe that convergence is about maximizing people’s creativity.



Exercise-3 (your reflection/learnings/thought on the video clip of Guy Kawasaki: MAKE Meaning)

When we are having our class in technopreneurship two last week, we have given a chance to saw a very inspiring video of one of the asset in apple industry named Guy Kawasaki. Let us introduced who is Guy Kawasaki in world of technology and also the world of business. Guy Kawasaki is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm and a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine. Previously, he was an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, Inc. Guy is the author of nine books including Reality Check, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. He has a BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as well as an honorary doctorate from Babson College. But prior to helping extraordinary entrepreneurs build their own companies, he used to work as an Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, Inc. A noted speaker and founder of various personal computer companies, Guy is often credited as one of the individuals responsible for making Macintosh computers a success. In addition Guy Kawasaki made a name for himself at Apple in the 1980s as the evangelist who helped launch the Macintosh computer. As founder and CEO of Garage Technology Ventures, he has tested and proven his ideas with dozens of startup companies. He is the author of over half a dozen business books, including Rules for Revolutionaries, Selling the Dream and How to Drive Your Competition Crazy. The definition above about Guy Kawasaki came from the open source. Guy Kawasaki is one of the most known people if we talk about business so as you read the above definitions and appreciation you can consider it as a Star.

At first we don’t understand the objective why our instructor allowed and shared that kind of movie. Actually when the video play I hardly to understand what Guy Kawasaki was talking about. When the video played at the second time around I got some idea and I understand what he was saying. After we watched the video at the second time around, we are instructed to have and make some reflections about the sharing of Guy Kawasaki in the presentation he made for the businessman or businesswoman either technopreneur in other term if it is in line of technology.

As what I heard Guy Kawasaki introduced and shared in the video that the most significant and have communicating something secret meaning start-ups aren’t having attention taken up with something on making money, but rather they are concentrated on a particular thing on making the world not common on what they known as Guy Kawasaki stated that making the world a better place. As what I have understood in the video Guy Kawasaki wants to make some changes in terms of making money. We all know that in order to have and to receive money or payment of some kind in return for the work you need a business. Having a business so that you have money but not making some meaning out of it.

Guy Kawasaki corrected that kind of mind set of others that have company or business. He stated that having a bountiful business make sure that you already know the meaning or let we say “Make A Meaning”. Guy Kawasaki say this phrase to inspire other people and also the start up business or even the large business and the business who have the biggest annual income. Yes it is true, many people or business man Starts Company to make money. They are making money without knowing if the business or the company that they have been established can’t or can benefits and help or agree with the needs of the community. It is more important to know that we as a future technopreneur or business man or even the business woman someday we must think beyond of what we are now, something that can make people a track or chase us or our business because of the quality and the accuracy of it. The first thing and dream for other people is to have a starting their own small business, it is important that we acquire the proper mindset of an entrepreneur or technopreneur. However it includes the accurate and consistent with the fact or general belief of all kinds of reasons for starting a company or business. To quote a small part of this video, he says that: “If you make meaning, you will probably make money. But if you set out to make money, you will probably not make meaning and you won’t make money” – Guy Kawasaki. He also said that the big mistake he sees a lot of entrepreneurs make is to focus simply on making money and not making meaning. "That is a big turnoff for a venture capitalist," he said. "We want to make meaning; to change the world." He believes that those companies who set out to make a positive change in the world are the companies that will ultimately be the most successful. Kawasaki gives examples of the best way to make meaning: increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.

Increase quality of life. The term Increase quality of life from the site of Wikipedia it is defined that it is used to evaluate the general well-being of individuals and societies. The term is used in a wide range of contexts, including the fields of international development, healthcare, and politics. Quality of life should not be confused with the concept of standard of living, which is based primarily on income. Instead, standard indicators of the quality of life include not only wealth and employment, but also the built environment, physical and mental health, education, recreation and leisure time, and social belonging. But if we talk about business the word Increase quality of life it means it is every person must be motivated with his work so that other people that surround you will also be motivated. You must give an importance in all things you do! Make people more productive or their lives easier or more enjoyable. In this factor, it can bring changing world to have productive and in progress life for all the people. Make people more productive or their lives easier or more enjoyable. The definition of quality of life is different for everyone. The main thing that determines quality of life is our ability to enjoy all that life has to offer. For instance, the ability to walk, talk, see and feel all contributes to our overall quality of life. A quality life is a life full of meaning and purpose. A high-quality life is also a life of freedom from tyranny. Having the ability to make choices about what you want to do with your time, your belief and what you buy shape your quality of life. People who have lived under oppressive governments are generally unhappy because their quality of life is compromised. To think that if we have the factor in increasing the quality of life coming from our business that means your object to have that business is not only for earning money but also making meaning of every detail of the business you have put in the industry.

Right a Wrong. The world we have now is the world that has two elements or factors that our lives can have. First is the successful life and the other one was the failure. This things was not only can apply in life but we see the way of business it has two factors also the successful business and the failure one. Many business today suffer and experiencing the trials and others suffer big problems like bankruptcy of the business. Some of the reason why they are suffering that kind of problems was because they forget to define or have meaning of their business. One of the factors introduced by Guy Kawasaki is Right a Wrong. He inspire the businessman and businesswoman to make follow the factor he made for it. Right a wrong is the way of Guy Kawasaki to make the business easy if the business suffer a failure. As what I understand of Guy Kawasaki stated that one failure is equivalent for many success because if you sustain and fight that trails in the future you learn something and you can easily find what are the reason why the business you handle was failure. Make the failure as the stepping stone to the higher and have the good flowing business.

Prevent the end of something good. The last factor introduced by Guy Kawasaki for the businessman or businesswoman also that they have to make their business as a living and growing business. According to him growing business is one way to have the two factors stated the “Increase quality of life” and “Right a Wrong”. Because the reason is that you can make your business grow and gain something new for it so that the quality of life increasing and the more growing company or business was experiencing failure then you can survive and you made the right thing sooner. Be a fighter and don’t be afraid for something that your business can make. Do the best and make something different to have the new product or output that the consumer wants or either needs. Positive thinker was one of the good characteristic as a businessman or businesswoman or technopreneur if it is in line of business with technology. I can say that positive thinker is one of the good characteristic because it composes the open-minded man and based on my experience an open-minded person almost of them has a successful business or even a successful life. Even though a technopreneur get failures in many times, what’s more important is to stand in your own feet and have more courage to ponder the right formulas of a technopreneur. As a matter of fact, Guy Kawasaki shared his tips. It said that, “entrepreneurship is a parallel process, not serial. Don’t expect to formulate an idea, get funding, build, get customers, get paid. It’s a repeat process and many tasks run alongside each other. You have to be willing to “grind it out”. It is continuous process learning those heavy tasks. Guy Kawasaki said “Preserve something classic or historical. Save the whales”. This simple means that a technopreneur should cultivate his reasonable motivation on the success of his business. He also thinks that I am a business person who happens to speak. I am not a “professional speaker,” a “motivational speaker,” or a “guru.” (I wish I was a professional athlete who turned to speaking, but I’m not that either.) And I customize each speech for the audience. I need at least one face-to-face or telephonic meeting before the event to make this work. A good speech requires understanding your business. That is also Guy Kawasaki one of the technique he has in life.

I have learned with Guy Kawasaki that many great leaders may have a large ego with the intent of making the world a better place. However most of them soon realize that greatness comes from the power of the masses of those they lead. Dignity and respect for each individual and recognition of the interdependence of all operational elements is the only way to sustain success. Make meaning and follow the three factors that Guy Kawasaki introduced and shared us. he wants the world is worth living and to have changes to become and have a business that no one can make then the uniqueness of the business is one of the important things we have to be. As a student my idea and the idea of others was one of the powerful idea and be humble and learn from those wiser than us so we become wiser too someday. One of those was Guy Kawasaki. To think Guy Kawasaki is wiser than us so why we don’t follow or something that we make it as an living inspiring person so that in our daily lives we can apply and motivated to others Read, listen, learn and then decide what you'll apply and what you won't. “Preserve something classic or historical. Save the whales”. This simple means that a technopreneur should cultivate his reasonable motivation on the success of his business.



Exercise-2 (Try to walk around somewhere and discover technopreneur idea:)

Now we are facing the second semester school year 2010-2011 for the subject Technopreneurship 2, the continuation of Technopreneurship 1. We are following the SEED model as Technopreneurship 1 introduces that model, but sad to say we finished the topic Self Mastery in the SEED model in Technopreneurship 1. Now in Technopreneurship 2 our objective is to come to an end of the three elements of the model.

The exercise two given by our instructor Mr. Randy Gamboa somewhat say that we are going to walk around somewhere and discover technopreneur idea and give some our experience or experiences. At first I don’t have an idea about business or technopreneurship that I can propose and plan for the future. However our instructor comes up this brilliant idea. Now I have a few ideas in line in for technology. In pass day I never thought that I can passed by in somewhere in Buhangin road at NHC, I see some student claiming or receiving their allowance coming from their parents far away in the place there are in. I also have an experience that kind of situation they are facing. I did some survey of other students that also doing that kind scenario. They are receiving money from their parents or even guardian. As I have seen regularly most student felt difficulties in finding the store or money transfer where that particular store is same from where their parents drop their allowance. Then I come to a brilliant idea of building a techopreneurial business of combining all kinds of money transmitter in one stop branch. In that way, students will no longer travel from different places just to find the right and specific store. This is a great advantage to the side of students just like me. In fact I am belong to that circumstances. So, I think it can help not only for as student but also in other people who experience this kind of circumstances. The nature of the business was money transfer is services to the people in line of money transferring. I hope it is a global leader in worldwide money transfer services. That provide a secure way to send and receive money to and from your loved ones nationwide – and hopefully it is sure that the money gets to where it’s needed quickly. The variety of something such as opinion, color or style of agents and locations gives you a decision to choose one thing, person, or course of action in preference to others and convenience, with many offering extended hours so that they can send and receive money at a time that’s convenient for the user or client. So why do students or even other people can choose this kind of business is that the money and services is quick, convenient to the clients, available to everyone and easy to be a member. I hope so it offers an efficient and speedy way to send money throughout the country.

Another thing which I think of new innovative is to apply my knowledge and expertise through making my own troubleshooting enterprise. Honestly speaks, I am proficient in repairing computer problems. Even it is common I still suggest this kind of business because the nation of the new era has many computers the same as the fast growing population of viruses that one of the reason why our computers crash. In fact I got earn my own money through looking after computer difficulties and of course to repair it. I had my short studies in troubleshooting when I got in Tagum before. Then I developed my skills through keep on practicing our computers at home. In that way, I am proud to myself. A small or big thing doesn’t matter where it is technopreneur innovation or not. For as long as it uses technology as an integral and key element in the transformation of goods and services. if we talk services, I also gice tutorial in troubleshooting computers so that my skills will enhance and also to my student who wants to know and want to have a background or basic in troubleshooting computers. I will teach them about computer hardware troubleshooting techniques, cable testers, software diagnostic routines, POST cards, error diagnostic methods. That computer hardware is the physical part of a computer and it is frequently changed as compared to the software. Most computer hardware is inside the computer and cannot be seen by normal users. There are a large number of the computer hardware devices including Hard disk, CD-Rom, RAM, Motherboard, Monitor, printer, peripheral devices and other devices. One of the first steps in the troubleshooting is to sort out the hardware and software problems. You can use the event viewer utility in the Windows operating systems to identify the nature and cause of the hardware or software problem. Also you can identify the hardware problems by identifying the initial start up beeps. In fact, technopreneurship is the combination of business with the help of technology. Well Computer troubleshooting has many uses, the most important being making the computer system and software trouble free. It is important because it is a point of view of the user as any fault. Also it is significant from the underlying essential idea of range of vision of the users as any responsibility for mistakes in the computer programming might result incorrect programming results. The computerization of the troubleshooting procedure might also be able to make the process more user-friendly. Even that computer troubleshooting is gives emphasis of high rank for the efficient working of the system and therefore there should be regular troubleshooting processes to make the system error free. So, even there are many computer shops still it will boom because almost of the people nowadays have their own laptops or either desktop. From my past learning’s, I had know the importance of technopreneurship these are employment creaton, local resources, promotion of technology, capital formation and lastly promotion of an entrepreneurial culture. In short, it lends great benefits in our economic status of one’s nation.

Back to the main topic, on the day when I walk across the Barrio Obrero afternoon last week I accidentally find out about something exceptional and distinctive. I formulate this idea as what I called “Palit Tayo”. This is a formal agreement where money involves. By definition, Palit Tayo is exchanging of what you have is going to be replace by money. Just like cellular phone to money, for example if you have a cellular phone and you need emergency money because you have something to buy or to pay a dept. Just see me in personal then somewhat I give money then after one month you need to return the money you borrowed with the interest, the interest is not that the same in the pawnshop if you are making “prenda”. The Owner or simply describes as Pawnbrokers (collateral loan brokers) engage in short term credit. This loan is made at a relatively high interest rates based purely on the intrinsic value of the collateral. It means like the idea of other pawnshop but it has some different among those pawnshop. Palit Tayo are participating in Civic and Religious Organization which has a mission in helping the less privilege sector of society by continuous education in Early Childhood, Earning Additional Income, and Spiritual Nourishment Programs which is vital to regain their dignity and become productive citizens of our society. All I want is to help other people who need emergency money. One of my objectives is to gain money too. It is able to be done or understood quickly yet extremely helpful for the structured community of people. Also the part timer can execute this kind of business. It can also help people looking for part time jobs. Nowadays we know that there are lots of people who are having a hard time managing their duties. But now on my new ideas, I can help not just the people in Davao but everybody around the globe. New discoveries for others to benefit in. Through these new ideas I can help the people not just for me but for everybody.

When I am tired of walking, walking, walking and walking I felt hungry at that time so I go to my favorite fast food chain. I observed and make some orders from a food chain named “JOLLIBEE”. The other term for food chain was fast food. So, the customers wait for a short of time to have a meal on table. Possibly an enhancement from the crews designated should not only in the way of being strict yet making it more proper in their services in the world of technology. There should some enhancement needed to their services. I think it could be some technological improvements to make the things more suitable and less from some annoyance. It can function as fast that people demands. Last time I spotted a person with physical impairments to have effort in falling line just to make some orders. As a customer of the food chain, I would like to give some importance or priority to those people. To improve this hassle thing, injured people should have their systematize gadget in which it was installed already in the table. They are the one personally manipulate this gadget. But still it needs man power to convey their invoice, order and also to get cash. Interruption of other customers in falling in line, because of our senior citizen and also the person that unable to see clearly objects that are far away then the company must do something to avoid it. A gadget that operated by service crew, the gadget listed the entire menu that company serve and easy to visualize to our dear senior citizen and other nearsighted person because it has power to resize the letter and picture of the menu. Utilities exert much energy according to the will of the proper supervision most especially on mapping the floor. It’s a bother on us as a customer to wait until the floor is dry whenever janitor get wipe on it. As a use of technological development, they obliged to exploit a two in one alternative cleaner which has a map and a dryer to maintain a dry floor one at a time. It has a great benefit because it doesn’t need much time to stand firm the consumer where he/she want to stay. These changes don’t need to follow. In terms of technology it’s an application of knowledge to human work. It’s up to the company to make the progress what we need in our futuristic real-world. Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of mixture in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. Strategic directions or decision-making processes are becoming more demanding and complex.

Last thought, the most important in business idea you have or even technopreneur idea make sure that you don’t feel the hesitation or disinclination toward your ideas because you failed, instead take that failures as a lesson for you to learn more about your business as “Guy Kawasaki” said in the presentation last meeting write a wrong and make meaning out of it. Be kind, or showing courtesy, friendliness, and consideration to your personnel and staff. Love them like as you love yourself because they are your key in reaching your goals and aims the key to become larger, to expand or become more developed and to be capable of developing naturally and remaining in a naturally healthy state that your business located. And let them to inspire your mind for you work hardly from your heart, for your business and for them. I hope one of these ideas of mine, or related to these ideas, from what I like and coming from my something hoped for, later be one of my popular and making a lot of money out of my business plans ever created. And I hope the success of the business will double and boom as compared to my business plan.

Exercise-1 (What have you learn in Techopreneurship I?)

Technopreneurship 1 gave me a great advantage in terms of business or particular trade and profession. Impart of our facilitator Mr. Randy Gamboa he gave us a lot of ideas about that subject. All of his proficiency, knowledge and opinion or suggestion about this subject was delivered and shared well.

We defined first what technopreneurship was all about. “Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of synthesis in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. Strategic directions or decision-making processes are becoming more demanding and complex. This requires universities, and in site professional development programs and training to produce strategic thinkers who will have skills to succeed in a rapidly changing global environment” I got this simple explanation that gives me clarification what is technopreneurship form the site of http://www.amigospais-guaracabuya.org/oagmc160.php. After few days of explaining and introducing technopreneurship one to us, new lesson and new techniques made known to us. that was the SEED model, S stands for Self Mastery, E for Environment, other E was Enterprise and D for Development. Mr. Gamboa emphasize that in technopreneurship 1 was limit in the to letters in the SEED model, the Self mastery and Environment.

We have movie marathon entitled “The Pirates of the Silicon Valley”. First I wonder why Sir Randy presented that kind of movie. It was confusing with the titled and also the story all about, because I can’t find way in relating the life of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to technopreneurship. But then after watching “The Pirates of the Silicon Valley” in that day of evening I watched it again to understand well the story so that I can reflect with the three situational statements given by our instructor Mr. Gamboa. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?, How do you see yourself as a technopreneur? And Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?. The above mentioned are some of the topics we ought to answer. From the first question the following are the factors contributed to the success of Steve Jobs:

Do what you love to do.
Think Different.
Do the best and be the best.
Be Entrepreneurial.
Make Swot Analysis.
Start Small, Think Big.
Try to become a market leader.
Focus on the outcomes
Listen to your customer.
Be Innovative.
Learn from your failure.
Keep Learning.

However if there is a success there is a failure. Steve Jobs also experienced and have learned his mistakes and failures of the field of business on his life. Every entrepreneur or technopreneur without a failure was nonsense. Failures give courage in every technopreneur to take and face the challenge
s for the next try. But I didn’t said that you make some mistake to learn but then and again go with the flow, if there was a mistake just be open-minded and solve that mistake then learn from it. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live.

As a technopreneur a see myself that years from now, I can see myself who is being technology groundbreaking, creative, innovative and very passionate about the field of technopreneur. (I hope I’m not in my day dreaming, don’t I?) One thing is for sure why loads of people (like me) crave for and be after of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, it’s because of money. Quickly earning money now a day are really ridiculous. Fortunately there are some personality which they strive and enthusiast in learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. And I must learn and eager to those things mentioned above.

Taking the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Of course yes, if Steve Jobs and I, have equal IQ and skills why not. Many of us dreamed that can be one of the most successful person. Just like Jobs because of his talented hands and high IQ, he made his own personal computer powered and named by Apple. You, me and us, can you imagine that yourself taking the same career paths of the great Steve Jobs? It’s possible right? Just bear this in your mind “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. You somehow already know what you truly want to become.” - Steve Jobs

All statement above is my reflection about the first activity given to us. since it is all about the life of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, as a Information Technology student I have loads of learning that I can use and apply to have simple application about the business in line of technologies.
Not that all I got in technopreneurship 1, we have also an activities about the model SEED (Self Mastery). I think why it is called self mastery it is because we ought or we need to know well our selves. We have loads of activity to know our personal traits, Intelligent Quotient, Adversity Quotient and Emotional Quotient.

Personal Traits given by our instructor was a very shocking result for me. It was because I got the average score that I didn’t expect. The average score states that we “SOMEWHAT ENTREPRENEUR”. As a student like me that have little idea about business, I never thought I got an average score about personality traits of being entrepreneur was. I’m not sure if I can be a successful entrepreneur or technopreneur someday. However, it felt me that I have capability to have my own business. Personal Traits was related to the first activity we have it was about the life of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, because for me if you are planning your own business make sure that you truly know about yourself. Just like Jobs and Gates they know their ability and skills. Like them they have both intellectual and skills. Our facilitator said if I’m not mistaken he said that putting your own business you should have 50 percent knowledge and 50 percent skills, and also you should know you’re self. Why? If you don’t have those skills your knowledge is useless. There is no outlet for your knowledge to make and to have an application of your brilliant plan. Also, if you always spending time evaluating your skills and knowledge it will able you to make important choices towards your career. That test trying to analyze our skills and knowledge about entrepreneurship or technopreneurship. Ahhhmmm Always keep in mind that those evaluation are some of the solution to characterize who you are.

We also did with getting our Intelligent Quotient that result of average score also. We did it from the internet that we browse some sites that offer some responsible about getting the IQ of one person. Not only that we performed too of knowing, getting and knowing our Emotional Quotient likewise the Adversity Quotient. Those activities gave a great, huge and countless awareness and wisdom about what are my good characteristics and also my bad sides, my strength and my weakness. The event we did was a very good model to have known the vey you.

Personal Traits, Adversity Quotient, Emotional Quotient and Intelligent Quotient were the most and great logically strong and widely used in the world to know yourself and for measuring and strengthening the individual toughness of one human. For me our top leaders and governments must be used this kind of model so that they kind enhance or transform their performance, productivity, optimism, moral and very important leadership as a self ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.

Those who don’t know there purpose in the earth just try to take technopreneurship 1, because we did and we performed knowing our purpose why we are here in a spherical world. That time Sir Randy steal our purpose. So, we started building our new purpose in life. Knowing my purpose in life is not that simple by just setting it. Self settlement was the first and very important when you are building a purpose in life that was my own experienced because only you are the one who making deal.

However I am placed here to fulfill and understand what my purposes in life are.

As a student:
To finish and graduate my chosen course

As a Roman Catholic:
To preach the good news about God
To live my life to the fullest in God’s will
Be a blessings to others

As a part of my family:
To be a successor (someday)
To build a good relationship with my parents and brothers.
To decency my father and mother
To be a good model to my youngest brother

As time goes by I still finding my real purpose of living in this world.

Then we discovered the three short stories of the life of Steve Jobs by reading the commencement address that he given during the 2005 graduation ceremony one of the most noticeable and prominent universities in United States named Stanford University. Steve Jobs was one of the graduation speaker or commencement speaker that he entitled “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”- Steve Job.

The three short stories entitled connecting the Dots, the second was about love and loss and the last but not the least was all about death. In that commencement we have a lot of things we learn and we got a lot of lessons that we can apply in our daily life. Just like You’ve got to find what you Love, Never lose faith – Faith in oneself and faith in God. And Be humble – “Stay hungry and Stay foolish.”

Those are few lessons we can find in the commencement address of Steve Jobs. So, there was no reason not to follow and be an apprentice of Steve Jobs. I think following the footsteps of Jobs was one of the greatest achievements of your life and someday you become boss of your own company and sooner be one of the richest people among the others.

In addition, the whole section was experienced pressure of presenting their each business plan. We are divided by groups and assigned to know our love, best and irritants. At first we wonder why we assigned those things. What is the connection among those love, best and irritants in studying technopreneurship. Well after knowing it our facilitator explain us that the love, best and irritants was the key to have a good plan for the business you are wanted. Our groups as well as other groups create and plan a business together with the combination of our love, best and irritant. We formulated a plan by the help of those three factors in life. We are given a chance to create and plan our own business and what are those beneficiaries or clients and knowing what the nature of the business that you are planning. Now we are facing a new world for technopreneurship.

Being a student might think that this Technopreneurship is not seriously stuff to consider. People who wants earn money should be learn a various steps in taking a business so that they have or might have a proper planning a suite business. If we relate it to the life of Steve Jobs we should be humble, stay hungry and stay foolish. The very best thing I’ve learned in technopreneurship was don’t stay of a single idea but give time to gain more ideas from your companion and also be a part of the industry who have contributed a big cause of being known. One idea doesn’t enough to fight the competitors. Always be optimistic for everything so that you can sustain the world of business.